Friday, July 16, 2010

The fate of Chennai's Waterways

After yesterday's post about the Adyar estuary project, I decided to follow up on an article that had caught my attention a couple of weeks ago - the Cooum restoration project. A team of officials from the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) had made a presentation to the government on the three phase implementation of the project, with the final master plan to be in place by February 2012.

While it sounded positive, I looked around for other opinions, and came across this article. While the focus of the article is on the displacement of the slum dwellers along the Cooum, I was also horrified by the fact that the elevated traffic 'corridors' are being planned along its banks. I had briefly read about the Chennai 'High Speed Circular Transportation Corridor' while looking for information on the East Coast Expressway, but hadn't grasped the fact that they were being planned along Chennai's waterways - the Adyar and the Cooum.

How is it even logical that they can, on one hand, try to restore the ecology of a river and on the other, build an expressway along its banks? And what saddened me more is that it is the very same Adyar Poonga Trust (now renamed 'Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust') that is implementing the elevated corridor project along the waterways. It makes me question their reason for restoring the rivers and the creek. No longer does it seem like an idea born out of desire to protect nature, but rather a desire to achieve a certain 'image' and enhanced real estate value.

And even so, I think they have got it wrong. Have they even imagined how a three tier, 6 lane expressway will look next to a river? I shudder to imagine it. And even from a traffic planning perspective, is it the right thing to do? I wonder. Will it really solve any issues, or is it just a grandiose gesture?

I've been blogging about Chennai for a month now, and though I've learnt a lot, I still feel extremely ignorant. Sometimes more knowledge only makes me feel more helpless and dispirited. Where is Chennai headed? Is there a long term goal, or are they only looking at quick fix solutions? Each step seem to be towards a polluted, car dominated city rather than a well connected pedestrian friendly one. Why can't we learn from the mistakes the west has made, rather than follow in their footsteps? What do you think? Leave a comment or email me at

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Auroville and the Adyar Poonga

I must admit I knew very little about the Adyar Poonga project, apart from seeing the beautifully painted murals on Greenways road. I noticed that these were similar to the ones at the ECR tollgate, and on further inquiry found that they were done by Auroville based artists. But what were they doing at such a busy junction? I asked around and was informed that they were part of the Adyar poonga project (and which planet had I been on?)

It is an ecological park being set up in a joint venture between the Tamil Nadu Road Development Corporation (TNRDC) and the Tamil Nadu Government - planned and executed by Auroville's Pitchandikulam Forest Consultants. There didn't seem to be much real information online, until I stumbled across this article on Auroville Today. Please take a few minutes to read it, as it is an interesting chronicle of the long journey from conception of the idea in the mid 1990's to actual work beginning on site in early 2008.

And although it is still a work in progress, the change is already very much apparent. Residents in the neighbouring apartments now open their windows to greenery, fresh air and the sound of birds - rather than keep them shut to keep out the stench, as they used to do just a few years ago. A reminder that positive change is possible - even here in Chennai.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Post Office Panache

I must admit that until last year, Chennai's Post Offices were buildings that didn't even register in my consciousness. They were all housed in unremarkable buildings and I hardly ever noticed them. However, the vast majority of people in this country do use their neighbourhood post office on a daily basis. Not just for post, but for a variety of other services as well.

So, while driving around in T Nagar some months ago, I was pleasantly surprised to see a lovely, gleaming white building with red accents on North Usman Road. And I was even more surprised when I realized that it was the local post office. I was bowled over by the simplicity of what they had done. It was the same old building that had always been there - they had simply painted it white and highlighted the edges of the sunshades in red. It looked neat and modern and very atttractive.

While I was impressed with one, I was completely blown away when I came across two more such 'metamorphosed' buildings. One in Adyar, the other in Alwarpet (picture above). Is it really possible that the postal department understands concepts like 'image' and 'branding' and 'presentation' ? Is it possible that they even care about such things? Well, it looks like they do! And it makes me more happy than I can say :)

I checked out their website as well, and though there's a lot of work to be done, it looks like they're genuinely trying to raise their standards. Kudos to them. Do you know of any other post offices that have received a makeover? I would love to hear about it - drop me a line at or leave a comment on this post.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Traffic on Tuesdays - Send a Signal

I think it's about time someone explained to drivers in Chennai what their indicator lights are meant for. That there's absolutely no use in switching them on after you've turned. That the point is to indicate that you're going to turn. To give the vehicles behind you an idea of your intentions, so that they have the time to react accordingly.

I've lost count of the number of times a stationary car, parked on the side of the road has pulled out a few feet in front of me -without any warning. The concept of MSM (mirror, signal, maneuver) is completely unknown. To them it is just ... M (maneuver). Sometimes I wonder if ignorance is any excuse for lack of common sense. I mean, even if you had never heard of MSM, would you pull out into moving traffic without looking to see what was coming? While walking down the street, would you turn and cross it without stopping to look both ways? For some reason the people of Chennai seem to do exactly that!

It is basic common sense. Whether you're a motorist or a pedestrian, you need to be aware of the traffic around you, and ensure that they're aware of you and what you're going to do. In other words, you need to check your mirrors and signal - before you start moving, before you change lanes, before you make a turn, before you pull over to the side of the road - before you do anything at all.

Your mirrors, all 3 of them, are meant for you to see what's behind you. They're not meant to be kept closed or be used to style your hair. And last but not least, your hazard lights are meant to indicate that there is a problem - not that you're going straight at a junction.

I guess this advice doesn't really apply to most of you who read this post (at least I hope it doesn't ;) ). But I wish there was a way to get this message across to people who would benefit from it. I would love to print it out and hand it out to all the staff in my office, but unfortunately there is a language barrier, and I don't know enough Tamil to translate it. (oh alright - so I don't know any Tamil :p ). So, if any of you feel inspired enough to translate it for me, I would be very, very grateful. You could email it to me at And I'm hoping you'll spread the word. Forward it to your friends and coworkers, pin it up on your notice boards. Who knows, maybe it will get through to somebody.

Monday, July 12, 2010

World Population Day - July 11th 2010

Yesterday was World Population Day, and the UNPFA's theme for this year is 'Everybody Counts'. Their focus is on collecting reliable data and analyzing it in a way that drives good decision making.

Which reminds me - the last day for collection of data for the 2011 census in Tamil Nadu is the 15th of July, and the enumerators haven't yet paid me a visit. The word is that they're having a tough time because most people are unaware of the census being conducted, and refuse to let them into their houses. Moreover, I believe that many of them don't speak Tamil, and are having a tough time communicating with the residents. You would think they would send Tamil speaking enumerators to conduct a survey in Tamil Nadu!

Anyhow, it all makes me a bit skeptical about how accurate the results will be. Do you remember the day the country celebrated the birth of it's billionth baby? To me it felt like a day of mourning. It is true that the average number of children per woman dropped from 6 in the 1960's to 2.5 in 2005, but unless it drops further, the population will continue to grow. And we simply do not have the resources to keep up with that growth.

Imagine for a moment that everyone restricted themselves (voluntarily) to having one child. It would mean that the population of the country would halve in one generation. Having two children would maintain the status quo. Having three or more, in my opinion, is absolutely unforgivable. I know it is a pretty harsh thing to say, but I firmly believe that almost every problem in our country stems from overpopulation.

So, on this World Population Day, I'm asking you to consider having just one child. Consider adopting another. Consider the future of the planet. Make your own decisions in the end, but please consider the options.

As I said, this is just my opinion. Maybe you have a different one. Maybe you disagree strongly with my views. Maybe you already have two (or more) children. I would love to hear your views on the subject. Please leave your comments or email me at If you liked this post, maybe you could share it with people you think might be interested. It would be nice to have a variety of opinions.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Smart cards

This has been on my mind for a while, so I was impressed to see that the State is planning to introduce driving licenses and registration certificates (RC's) in a smart card format by next year. I think it is an important first step in enforcing traffic rules, as violations can be recorded immediately with an easy swipe of the card.

A computerized system with a proper database will ensure that offenders can be easily tracked, once their vehicle registration is matched to their home address. This takes the pressure off the police to chase down offenders immediately. Cameras can be used to capture the license plate numbers of people who jump red lights, violate rules or drive rashly. People with more than two serious violations should have their licenses suspended and be asked to re-take their driving test.

In fact, I wonder if everyone should be asked to re-take their driving test before they're issued the new smart card license. Of course, I'm sure the test needs some overhauling as well. :)

While all this sounds good in theory, there's a little nagging voice of despair in the back of my head that wonders if people will start to misuse the system. Will the cops get trigger happy with their cameras and book even innocent people in order to collect fines? Will people refuse to pay fines that are sent to their houses? Will people's attitudes once again get in the way of progress? What do you think? Please leave your comments or email me at

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jaime Lerner

Today, I've found myself a new hero. Jaime Lerner - architect, urban planner, three times mayor of Curitiba, and governor of Paraná state, Brazil.

As Mayor, he came up with a number of creative solutions to Curitiba's problems, saving the city millions of dollars. He cleaned up the slums by offering bags of groceries in exchange for bags of trash. He cleaned up the nearby bay by offering fishermen payment for every pound of garbage they collected, thus giving them a source of income even in the non-fishing season. He hired 'municipal sheep' to keep the grass in the parks trimmed, instead of buying expensive mowing machines. And the wool from the sheep was used to fund children's programs.

His biggest achievement in Curitiba was probably the BRT or Bus Rapid Transit system. Using a hierarchy of 6 bus sizes that feed one another, (the largest Bi-articulated buses carry nearly 300 people), he achieved what a complete subway system would have done, at almost one hundredth the cost. The city also built attractive transit tubes, with handicapped access and ticket purchasing facilities to improve the speed of transit.

While for most cities the pace of change is measured in years, for Jaime Lerner it is measured in hours. He is known for transforming a gridlocked commercial artery in Curitiba into a spacious pedestrian mall over one long weekend! Apart from his time as mayor and governor, he has used his creativity and expertise to improve cities worldwide, and is a champion for the cause of sustainability.

So that puts him firmly on top of my list of heroes. He says that any city in the world can be transformed in 3 years. I wish we could invite him to Chennai. Don't miss his speech on TED talks, with the little sustainability song at the end :) (it might be worth having the English subtitles on as well).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I like....countdown signals

True, there's probably no traffic light in Chennai that looks as good as the one in this picture. They're usually a sorry, weather beaten bunch, whose lights don't always work. But that's a story for another time. On Wednesdays, I'm trying to remain positive.

So - on the days that they do work, I find I'm rather fond of these countdown signals. Except for those inevitable few who try to zoom past in the last few seconds, I think it does create some calm and order among most people. Motorists are no longer revving their engines and blaring their horns while waiting for the lights to turn green.

But my most favourite bit about them is the fact that some of them tell you to "RELAX" when the lights turn red. With all the maddening traffic around me, it somehow always makes me smile :) There's some typical Chennai wisdom for you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mobile phones and driving

This is a fact - Driving while using a mobile phone is both dangerous and illegal. Yet, this is something that happens all over the world and of course, is much, much worse in India. So why do so many people persist in doing it? Do they think it's cool? Do they like to appear busy? Are they so bored that they have to talk to someone right then and there? Do they think that they are so important that the world will stop turning if they don't take that call?

I'll tell you what - there's a good chance that the world will stop turning if they do take that call. If not for them, then for some innocent bystander that they knock over, and for their bereaved family. I cannot understand what could possibly be so important that someone would have to take a call right away. It wasn't so long ago that mobile phones didn't even exist. What did people do then?

And it isn't like there's no alternative. Technology has provided the solution with a variety of hands free devices. So why not use them? Too uncomfortable? Maybe it's more comfortable to ride a bike with a phone lodged between your ear and shoulder. Maybe it's more comfortable to be stuck in the wreckage of a smashed car. Honestly - if you think it's so important, just pull over to the side of the road and talk in peace.

This is something that seems so clear to me, and yet I can't seem to convince even the people closest to me that it's wrong. They get annoyed when someone else drives rashly while on the phone, but when they use one themselves, they seem to think they are 'in control'. What's the solution? Should the police enforce bigger penalties? Or can we all just stop to consider our actions and and realize that we don't have to let this device rule (ruin) our lives?

Do you know someone who insists on holding a phone to their ear while driving? Or are you that person? Either way I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Please leave your comments or drop me a line at

P.S. I have also created a facebook group, where I will post links to this blog. So if you think it's easier to follow me on facebook, here's the link.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Free Advertising

So, what happened to advertising after the government banned hoardings in the city? People just got more innovative, finding new and varied places to display their signs. Does your gate look something like this, by any chance?

All over the city, companies have started placing their ads on 'No Parking' signs - and fixing them to your gates, whether you want them or not. While it seems philanthropic on the surface - to them, it is really nothing more than advertising space. And when there are six boards jostling for attention on one gate, with loud colours and many different kinds of lettering, it becomes nothing more than an eyesore. And to me, seeing them everywhere just makes me want to scream!

I sometimes wonder if we are just so resigned to living in a messy city, that we don't even notice them anymore. We don't need these 'No Parking' signs. It should be understood that one should not park in front of a gate. And if you really have a problem with people parking in front of your gate, then get your own sign made and remove all the other junk. Or hire a watchman to shoo them away :)

I often feel like collecting all these ads and returning them to their respective companies, with a note saying that we don't want them on our gates. Or on our trees. Or on our compound walls. What do you think? Does it bother you as much? Leave a comment or drop me a line at

Friday, July 2, 2010

Temples cleared for road widening

Over the years we have seen so many tiny shrines, maybe no more than a stone at the base of a tree, develop into full fledged temples - taking over the pavements, and quite often, a good part of the road as well. These temples keep growing, along with the number of worshipers and begin to hinder all the traffic in the area. Festival days make it impossible to even go near the place - with loud speakers blaring devotional songs and hundreds of people literally sitting on the street.

Usually no one wants to object to this for fear of offending people's sentiments. So, I was pleased when I found this article in the paper yesterday, and was very impressed that the Corporation braved the ire of the locals and devotees, and went ahead with the demolition of two temples in Velachery. Good for them!

I wonder whether some of the temples in my locality are in that list of 36. Are you affected by any in your neighbourhood? What do you think of this drive to demolish temples that encroach into the roads and pavements? Leave a comment or email me at .

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The movers and shakers

In my post about roads and pavements a few days ago, I had mentioned that someone had begun work on model pavements along L.B. Road, Adyar. I decided to pry a little further and was pleased to discover City Connect. It is an organisation with a vision to transform Chennai into a world class city, that provides great quality of service and infrastructure to all its citizens.

Frustrated with the lack of a 'big picture' and being shut out of the actual decision making process, CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) Tamil Nadu, decided to launch this platform to provide a single voice for all the city's stakeholders -and to help them collaborate with and support the government, in the development of urban infrastructure and services. Spearheaded by big names like TVS, CTS, NAPC and MARG, it seems like there's finally some real hope for change.

Besides the L.B road project, they are also in the process of conducting a study on the improvement of the MTC bus system, and working on a solution for parking and other services at the Chennai Airport. And while looking at these issues, they are also keeping their eyes on the bigger picture. To envision the future and develop Chennai and its surrounding towns and villages in a holistic manner.

I, for one, certainly hope that they are successful. Take a minute, if you can, to visit their website and get an idea of the kind of work they are involved in.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


In the last couple of years the Corporation seems to have stepped up its efforts to beautify the city. There have been some bad decisions, but I don't think that this is one of them. These sculptures, by students of the government college of fine arts, now decorate various intersections in the city. I wouldn't say that I love them, but at least they have a connection to the local culture and aren't loud or garish.

The one on top is located near the gate of Loyola College (thanks to Ranjani for the picture), and the one on the left is at the Gemini Flyover. It's not such a great photo, but I had to put it up after all the trouble it caused me - I nearly had my camera confiscated by the guards at the U.S. embassy. Apparently there's no photography allowed in the vicinity. I wonder how they enforce that!

There are a few more of these sculptures in the Nungumbakkam area, but I can't recall any others. Do you know if there are any? What do you think of them? Please leave your comments or email me at .

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Horns and High beams

Sometimes I feel like there is far more hope of getting the authorities to hand us a beautiful city on a platter, than there is of getting our people to behave in a civilized and courteous manner. Why is it that most Indians use the horn so much while driving? If they were standing in a queue, would they shove people about and yell 'GET OUT OF MY WAY!' ? No. So why do it while driving? I simply cannot understand it. What sense does it make to press your hand to the horn as soon as the lights turn green? Would everybody else just forget to move, if you didn't? It defies all logic.

I wish the solution were as simple as making honking a punishable offence. But the horn is an essential part of driving in India. You do need to use it to alert people to your presence (especially considering that no one uses their rear view mirrors). But for this, a gentle tap or two should suffice - there's no need to get carried away. And I wish I could say that I never use my horn in annoyance, but unfortunately I too, am often guilty of that crime. Honestly, driving in Chennai would try the patience of a saint. But I am trying to make an effort to change. 'Keep calm... and carry on' .

Unlike horns, driving at night with your headlights on high beam is completely uncalled for - at least within the city. The streetlights and headlights of other vehicles provide more than adequate light to see by. Dazzling headlights are not just annoying, they're dangerous. The only situation where it is okay to use your high beam, is when you're on a dark road at night and there are no other vehicles within 500 ft in front of you (travelling in either direction). If there is a vehicle coming towards you, it is courtesy to dip your lights until they have passed by. And it goes without saying that flashing your lights repeatedly to tell other vehicles to 'stay out of your way' is just plain rude. In fact, in many other countries, a quick flash of lights indicates that they will wait and let you go by. An extremely courteous gesture.

I guess it's obvious that this issue really bothers me. What I cannot see is how to get this message across to all the people out there. How about sending sms's to everyone's mobile phones? How about including traffic education in schools? What do you think? I would love to hear your ideas. Please leave a comment or email me at .

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday moanings

Following on from last Monday's moan about pavements, today I'm going to shift my gaze to the roads. I don't need to describe the state of the roads to anyone who lives in Chennai. We all deal with the potholes like professional rally drivers. I'm so familiar with the ones down my street, that I can navigate them even when they're hidden beneath flooded roads.

But aside from the inconvenience of a bumpy ride, potholes are also very dangerous. Vehicles - especially bikes and autos - swerve to avoid them without thinking; and in doing so put themselves at risk of being hit by a vehicle coming up from behind. The state of the roads also make it impossible to contemplate ever having any sort of lane discipline. How can you stay in the left lane when it usually is a mess of potholes and raised manhole covers (not to mention encroachments and pedestrians).

Year after year we have the same complaints. As soon as the roads are laid, they get dug up for the metro water pipes, the electricity lines or for laying cables. And then, if you're lucky, they get patched up - really badly. Even a child could tell you that this is the wrong sequence. So why can't we get it right? - Because it takes coordination. It needs people to talk to each other and agree on a plan of action. It needs one supervising authority that can see the whole picture. And plan for the future - not just for today.

I came across some encouraging news that the corporation is constructing 'model' pavements on L.B. road in Adyar. They're removing encroachments, moving junction boxes and creating a landscaped 'safe zone' between the pedestrians and the traffic. Sounds wonderful - I can't wait to see how it turns out! But while thinking about it, I suddenly wondered if it was possible to shift some utilities from under the roads to under the pavements. That would make it easy to create maintenance hatches, so that the roads do not have to be dug up every time. (And while they're repairing the pavements, they should also lay stormwater drains, which seem to be sadly lacking in our city.)

Am I being naive, or is it something that could work. Do you have any ideas to improve the state of our roads? I was pleased to find that the Corporation of Chennai has an impressive website. It looks like they even have a suggestion 'box'. Maybe if we came up with some good ideas, we could send them in. What do you think? Please leave your comments or email me at childof .

Friday, June 25, 2010

East Coast Elevated Expressway

Are all these new flyovers and elevated expressways really the solution to Chennai's traffic problems? I am filled with apprehension at the thought of what their construction will cost the city. But of all the proposals, the one along the coast fills me with the most dread. For here it is not just the lives of the fisherfolk, but also the survival of a very fragile ecosystem that hangs in the balance.

The proposed expressway will cut across the Adyar estuary and the Theosophical Society grounds, run along the Besant Nagar beach and then along the shoreline, up to Kottivakkam- displacing nearly 14 fishing villages along the way and doing incalculable damage to the local ecosystem. The Adyar creek, a protected area that has migratory birds and mangroves will badly affected. It will also permanently destroy the nesting grounds of the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles.

I am firmly of the opinion that their money would be better spent on improving roads and public transport, educating motorists and enforcing rules, and working steadily towards reducing the number of vehicles on Chennai's roads.

I am probably a bit behind the times on this, because I can't seem to find any recent information on the status of the project, but I will post updates if I come across any. Please leave a comment or send me an email at, if you have any information.

In the meantime, I found this petition to stop the expressway being built. I'm not sure how old it is, but it's not going to do any harm to sign it. They were looking for 10,000 signatures but have only around a 1000. I think that's really sad. What it needs is people to spread the word. So send a message to everyone you know and ask them to sign the petition here. You can also join ROB - to help Reclaim Our Beaches.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

An inspiration to us all

Mrs. Kamakshi Subramaniyan is one amazing person. At the age of 82 she has achieved what most people would consider impossible. She has almost single handedly coaxed, cajoled and almost bullied corporation officials into converting the neglected and overgrown 4th Avenue in Besant Nagar, into a clean, beautiful road with a lush garden running along its entire length.

It has been a project that has lasted over 8 years - with many difficulties and setbacks. Three times the corporation planted trees, but then left them to die -unattended. Finally, she decided to take matters into her own hands, and now makes it a point to ring them twice or thrice every morning - to remind them to send someone to water the plants! It has proved to be a very effective strategy and the results are there for all to see.

In fact, the telephone seems to be her weapon of choice - and she wields it well. She has a little board above hers, filled with the names and numbers of everyone from officials, to journalists, to NGO's- and she knows exactly who to call to get things done.

But it is a constant struggle to keep it well maintained. She despairs that even educated people destroy the plants while trying to pluck flowers - or even relieve themselves by the side of the road. "At my age, I don't have the time for shyness" she says, " I just wait until they are done and then go up to them and point out that it is an extremely uncivilized thing to do" !

This dynamic lady is passionate about a wide range of issues- from tree planting, to making pavements more senior citizen friendly, to getting autos to charge by the meter. She is eager to see more youngsters take an interest in these issues, and, citing herself as an example, believes that senior citizens can contribute tremendously. As she says " All it takes is a telephone and a bit of a thick skin". :)

And today, on her recommendation, please take a minute to check out Nizhal - an organisation that speaks for the trees of Chennai. They conduct several greening initiatives and educational programs, and would welcome new volunteers if you have the time to spare. Or else, why not join them on one of their regularly organised 'tree walks' to discover the green side of the city.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Time for something positive. Do you remember this?

Yes, all those massive, ugly hoardings that used to be an inescapable part of Chennai's landscape. I still remember coming back from a trip abroad, to be greeted by the sight of a hoarding-free city. The change was amazing! The euphoria I felt cannot be described- and I'm sure that all of you felt the same.

I know that this was a while ago, but it is a reminder that change is possible. I want to remember this every time I look around me and feel dispirited. And if I forget - please remind me.

There. Is. Hope.

Speaking of hopes, one of mine was to connect with like minded people. And I was thrilled when one of my very first comments was from someone who has a group on facebook called- 'It's Madras, not Chennai' They seem to have already gained quite a bit of momentum with over 1000 members. Lots of interesting posts and discussions - so be sure to check it out. Especially their link to The Hindu's article on renaming roads in Chennai.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Driving me crazy....

The traffic in Chennai is one thing that really gets my blood boiling. It's a topic that I could go on and on about. But as difficult as it may be, I'm going to try to restrict my rants about traffic to no more than once a week. And, instead of lamenting about the state of things, I've decided to put them in the form of driving 'tips'. Who knows, maybe someday they can all be compiled into a little book and made compulsory reading in schools ;) ... so feel free to let me know if you have anything to add.

Starting with the very basic concept of COURTESY. For ultimately that's what good driving boils down to. Every move you make on the road must be made with the comfort of your fellow road users in mind. Anything you do that causes them annoyance or stress, or causes them to have to suddenly brake or swerve - is nothing but rudeness on your part.

And what if you're on the receiving end of this rudeness? As tempting as it is to get annoyed and try to 'get even', I'm afraid the only right thing to do is to take a deep breath .... and let it go. (well okay, maybe you can swear a bit - under your breath). Because if you do anything else, like try to slow them down or cut them off or keep your hand pressed to the horn, that makes you the rude one. It's not worth it. You're better than that. Just let them go (..... jerks )

And remember - driving is not a race. The point of it is to arrive at your destination safely - not to overtake the vehicle in front of you, or accelerate wildly to avoid catching a red light. Stay calm. Enjoy the journey.

I hope I don't sound too preachy. I know it is quite likely that you already know all of this and don't really need me to tell you. If you're already a courteous driver, kudos to you. But maybe you know someone who should read this - your driver, your staff, your friend, your friend's driver....? Maybe you can help get the message out there. Circulate it among your staff, email it to your friends, translate it for the drivers - spread the word.

Next week - Horns and high beams.

Monday, June 21, 2010


There's probably no other country in the world that gives less importance to pedestrians, than ours. Pavements must be one of the most neglected parts of Chennai's roads, when they really should be given the highest priority. We all know the state that they're in - where they do exist at all, they're extremely narrow, uneven with gaping holes, blocked by hawkers, transformers, junction boxes, construction debris, garbage and God knows what else.

These pictures taken on T.T.K road (early on Sunday morning to avoid the traffic) are just an example of the state of our pavements. I'm sure you have encountered far worse elsewhere.

Not surprisingly, most people choose to walk on the road rather than navigate the pavements. Can you imagine walking down this road in peak traffic? I hate to say this, but the truth is I would prefer to use my car - even for a short distance. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. As for the people who have no choice but to walk - my heart goes out to them. Surely they deserve better. Surely we all deserve better. With better pavements and roads I'm sure more people would take to walking and cycling - at least for short distances.

I feel that having good pavements is non negotiable. They are meant to make pedestrians lives easier, keeping them out of harm's way and also giving the traffic a clear road to drive on. But the government doesn't seem to care. There's a new flyover planned almost everyday but not one thought is given to improving the condition of the pavements. And meanwhile, the papers are filled with stories of pedestrians being hit and killed by buses or lorries. I'm sure if they had to cover those who were simply hit by cars or bikes and had 'only' broken bones, it would fill many, many pages.

And yet, there does seem to be hope. Not a hundred yards away from T.T.K road, in C.I.T colony, it appears that someone has taken the initiative to do something about the situation. Neatly laid pavements with sloped ends that make getting on and off easier. They are probably a bit narrow and so end up being blocked by trees or junction boxes, but hey, at least its a start. Hats off to them. If it can be done here, then why not elsewhere?

Does anyone know how they achieved this? Do you have any ideas on how to make this happen in other parts of the city? Can we come up with a set of standards for pavement design? Please leave your comments or email me at

Friday, June 18, 2010

Changing road names

I'm not sure why the thought of the 50 odd road names being changed to commemorate Tamil scholars, distresses me so much. I'm not knowledgeable about the origin of their present names or which europeans they commemorate. What I do know is that these are the roads we grew up on. Harrington road, Sterling road, Taylor's road - each name evokes images and memories. I don't see how I will ever learn to call them anything else. It was hard enough to switch to saying 'Chennai'. I wonder if we, the people, will ever get a say - when decisions like this are made for us.

But setting emotions aside, how practical is this decision? Has it really been thought through or is it just the euphoria of people saying 'what a wonderful way to celebrate the World Classical Tamil Conference' ? What does it mean to the people who live and work on these roads? A change of business cards and letterheads at the very least. What about driving licenses, passports and a whole lot of other important documents - do they have to be changed as well? Will there be a cut-off date for these changes to be made? Remember the havoc that the re-numbering caused? Even now most addresses state 'new no. / old no.' . Will we have to start stating 'new road name / old road name' ? I shudder to imagine it!

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you live/ work on a road whose name was changed (Avvai Shanmugam Road / Lloyds Road, Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Road / Chamier's Road) ? Has it affected you at all? Please leave your comments or email me at .

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting started

What am I doing starting a blog?! I'm no writer. I know nothing about blogging. And I'm usually a very quiet, private person who keeps my opinions to myself. BUT ...

Chennai makes me want to scream!

The roads, the traffic, the filth, the pollution and most of all- people's attitudes. Don't get me wrong - I love Chennai. It's my home. But I would like my home to be clean and beautiful and orderly. An environment in which I would be happy to bring up my children. But right now, it is a far cry from that utopia.

I don't expect this blog to change the world. But I dare to hope that it can be a catalyst for change. I know that there are people out there trying to make a difference. My goal is to connect them,to create a forum for discussion, to build a community of like minded people, and hopefully eventually reach those who do have the power to make a difference.

Do you know of others who are trying to make a difference? Do you have ideas for future posts? What bothers you about chennai? What do you love most about it? Please leave your comments or email me at

And I'm completely new to this 'e' world of blogging and social networking - so any tips or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks :)